mexican pyramid tours

Mexico Pyramid Vacación Package

Mayan Culture: discover the archaeological zones of Mayan Riviera

Mexican pyramid, very close to Cancun is the greatest treasures of the Mayan culture: Chichen Itza and the Archaeological Zone of Tulum. And some not very well known that we will mention later. These places served as the political, cultural, and religious centers of the empire of this culture.

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These archaeological zones are full of constructions, monuments, and ruins that will allow you to know how this great civilization lived; their customs, traditions, religion, and other aspects of the Mayan culture.

If you are about to visit Cancun and you are interested in learning more about the Mayan culture, we recommend you visit Chichen Itza and Tulum. For now, here we tell you a little more about these historical and magical places:


Did you know that Chichen Itza is a Mayan word? that means “mouth of the well of the Itza” The name refers to the cenote that is located to the north of the pyramid, an essential freshwater source cenote for the Mayan city and a fundamental part of the culture and its beliefs.

Chichen Itza was discovered in the 19th century, between the years of 1873 and 1875. It was not until 1926 that its restoration began and today, it is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World and registered as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

chichen itza tours from cancun

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In your tour of Chichen Itzá you will be able to know:

    • Temple of the Warriors and the Thousand Columns
    • The ball game court
    • Temple of Kukulcán, also known as El Castillo.
    • Temple of the Jaguars
  • South and North Temple

Did you know that Chichen Itza is the most popular place in Mexico to celebrate the spring equinox?

During the spring equinox, thousands of visitors gather to witness the phenomena of natural light and the movements of shadows. Especially the snake that descends step by step in the main pyramid named El Castillo.

The shadow effect created by the Mayans shows a 120-foot-long serpent crawling down to join a huge serpent head at the top of the stairs. Package the mexican pyramid here.

Remember to visit this wonder of the world, always respecting the ruins and paying attention to the instructions of your guide or signage that is found in the place, let’s be responsible travelers. Discover these architectural wonders the mexican pyramid.


Tulum was an important religious and commercial center for the Mayan culture between the 11th and 16th centuries. It was also considered an important trading center for barter goods typical of the period.

Tulum is the only archaeological zone that was built on the edge of a cliff. Its views of the Caribbean Sea make the trip an experience. The Archaeological Zone of Tulum is not as big compared to Chichen Itzá. However, along the way we can appreciate its magical buildings, such as:

  • El Castillo, which is the largest structure in the entire area.
  • The Temple of the Frescoes.
  • Temple of the Winds.
  • The Temple of the Descending God.

tulum pyramid beachside

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During the tour of the temples, you will be able to appreciate the exhibition of the architectural influences of the civilization, the stucco sculpture, the halls of the castle or the oldest wall paintings.


Located in the Hotel Zone of Cancun at km 18 of Boulevard Kukulcán, a little-known area where you can see structures with residential rooms that differ from one another with particular details.

the-king archaeological zone mayan ruins in cancun hotel zone

This zone consists of 47 structures of a religious and administrative zone. There are two main squares bounded by two streets.

Because the structures of the North Causeway are aligned with the pyramidal base of the site known as San Miguelito, it is believed that both sets were part of a single settlement that extended up to three kilometers on the Island of Cancun. Spend your vacation on a tour of mexican pyramid.


Located in the Hotel Zone of Cancun at km 16.5 of Boulevard Kukulcán, very close to the aforementioned Ruins of the King, to get to the site you have to walk through a path that starts from the lower corridor of the Mayan Museum of Cancun and that crosses through the exuberant vegetation of the region.

san miguelito pyramid in cancun hotel zone

This area is made up of four groups that include structures that could have supported houses made of wood and palm. There are other complexes with palaces with wide interior spaces and a hall with columns.

An area little known by the tourists and even by the locals themselves, without a doubt if you visit the hotel zone, visiting the archaeological zone of San Miguelito has to be a mandatory stop.


Located in Playa del Carmen are the ruins of Xaman-Ha, a small little-visited Mayan settlement.

xuman ha archaeological zone

This archaeological site is made up of few, but wonderful Mayan buildings. These ruins are located within the tourist complex of Playacar. The name Xaman-Há means ‘water from the north’, and receives this name because it is located on the seashore.

This indigenous settlement has three well-preserved buildings. Take your time to admire them! The best of all is that the environment is truly natural, as you observe the flora and fauna in their maximum splendor.


The ancient Mayan city of Coba is located halfway between Tulum and Chichén Itzá, you know its main building, the pyramid of Nohoch Mul. (The tallest pyramid in the north of the Yucatan Peninsula, 42 meters high.)

coba pyramid in riviera maya

Do not forget to climb to the top and appreciate the incredible view. Some interesting stelae are preserved on the esplanade in front of it. They are a kind of stone tombstones where important events of the upper class of society used to be carved. Thanks to them, the customs of the Mayan civilization have been analyzed.

Later you will be able to observe the Mayan Ball Game, with a couple of curious elements: the skull on the ground and the reliefs on its walls. Buy one of our packages and visit the Mexican pyramid.

Right there is the Oval Temple, one of the most curious that we saw in a Mayan site. It’s actually been restored, that’s why it looks so nice.

There is no doubt that the archaeological sites that we mention are magical areas full of a lot of history. Visiting all the places or at least the most important ones is definitely an experience that you cannot miss.

If you plan to visit them, remember that by booking the Chichen Itza and Tulum tours at whattodoincancun you can enjoy a guided tour, fun activities and free time.

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