
Is Cancun a good holiday destination

Is it worth going to Cancun?

In Mexico and internationally, it is recognized as one of the most visited cities, despite being a young city with over 50 years of history. Cancun is a destination that you will love if you enjoy tropical Caribbean places and tourist cities.

Commonly, you’ll hear people saying that is an overrated city, but here is why people have misunderstood the concept of Cancun as a destination.

Since its beginning in 1970, the city was planned to be developed for the tourism. Over time, Cancun has evolved as a city itself and as a tourist destination. But the type of tourist has changed, like other destinations, it has become an easily accessible place for all types of budgets. Spring break is a good example of it.

Understanding these basic concept, will save you from future disappointments or maybe a “Cancun Syndrome.”

If travelers seek an authentic Mexican trip, note that Cancun might not be the right place. This destination is influenced by American culture, so, if you are looking for a Mexican cultural approach and want to taste delicious Mexican dishes, you can visit our “What to do in Mexico City” site. Doesn’t mean Cancun is not a worthy destination; it’s all about your perception and preferences.
Through this blog, we’d like to guide you in answering the common questions visitors face before choosing Cancun as their next travel destination.

What is so great about Cancun?

Is Cancun a good holiday destination? In the hotel zone of Cancun you’ll find nice beaches featuring crystal clear waters that no other city in Mexico has. The white sand makes it a unique place for a relaxing day.

We have free access to public beaches, though they tend to be more crowded than those that private resorts have. Note for accessing top-notch places or having top-notch service, you’ll have to pay for.

The location of Cancun allows you to visit nearby cities like Isla Mujeres, Playa del Carmen, Tulum, Cozumel, or maybe Merida and Valladolid for a more cultural trip.

Its reef is part of the second-largest reef barrier in the world, offering nice snorkeling or diving spots for ocean lovers.

As a travel destination, Cancun is a nice place for relaxation on the beach. But, for an adventurous and cultural experience, is recommended to visit the cities around it . This isn’t a big deal, since most of those cities are relatively near, and most tour operators offer round transportation from Cancun to them.

Is Cancun a good place to vacation right now?

For Caribbean lovers, here’s the good news: Cancun has plenty of options for all types of travelers and with different budgets, Whether you are choosing an all-inclusive, or opting for a more budget-friendly option like small hotels or hostels in downtown.

Best Season to visit Cancun: Prices and Weather

How much is a trip to Cancun? As you have noticed, you can adjust your trip to your wallet, opting for a luxurious resort, obviously your expenses will be higher, but good service and amenities are guaranteed.

Otherwise, you can decide to arrange a trip to Cancun, and it’s not necessary to stay in a hotel; Airbnbs are actually a good alternative, and there are many affordable options as for the excursions.
What are the best months to travel to Cancun? Take into account that Cancun has peak and off seasons, and this makes prices fluctuate according to them.

What is the most expensive time to go to Cancun? From holidays to January, Spring Break, and July to early August, you will find it busy and expensive. The opposite for late August to November, which is a better option for a more relaxed vacation with fewer people in general.

What is the cheapest time to travel to Cancun? From August to November, chances to find more affordable deals are way higher: hotel packages and excursion prices are lower during these months. Just keep an eye on the weather to avoid having rainy days that might make you cancel your excursions or plans.

What are the rainiest months in Cancun? The rainy season can vary throughout the whole year, but the months that have more possibility of rainy days are January, May, and from June to October. Be aware of September and October since hurricane seasons stick among them.

Here are three recommendations of what to do in Cancun when it Rains and other places you can visit where rain is not a limit:

  • 1. When it rains, it’s a good time to take an adventure in the Jungle, riding an ATV can be more fun and zip-lining into the forest jungle. These types of excursions are easier to find on rainy days, as aquatic excursions tend to get canceled due to weather concerns and safety protocols.
  • 2. Mayan Cenote: Visit a Cenote, even if it’s not in Cancun itself. You will find many Cenotes nearby, like in Puerto Morelos or Playa del Carmen. This alternative is a rain and sunshine option. Getting a package like Mayan Cenotes gives you the opportunity to visit more than one on the same day.
  • 3. City and Taco Tour: Tasting tacos sounds like the perfect plan for a rainy day, especially if you can have the chance to learn more about the city Puerto Morelos, which is next to Cancun.

To conclude our “Is Cancun a good holiday destination?” blog, Cancun is definitely worth a visit. It has stunning nature and nice people, it might not be for you if you don’t like touristy places or beach destinations.

read our blog all recommendations in the ultimate cancun travel guide

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